100W大功率插件电阻 光颉精密电阻现货 TR100FBE3R90
TO-247 Power Resistor- TR100 大功率电阻精度,误差范围Resistance Tolerance Codes Resistance Tolerance D ±0.5% F ±1% G ±2% J ±5% K ±10% 100W电阻低温度系数TCR Codes Type D ±50PPM/℃ E ±100PPM/℃ F ±200PPM/℃ G ±300PPM/℃ 典型100W大功率电阻阻值标示Resistance Codes Type R100 0.1Ω 0100 10Ω 4700 470Ω 1001 1000Ω 1002 10000Ω 无感电阻,无电感值,低电感值 Features: 100 watts at 25°C case temperature heat sink mounted TO-247 style power package Single M3 screw mounting to heat sink Molded case for protection and easy to mount Electrically isolated case Non-Inductive design Applications: Gate Resistors in Power Supplies Snubbers Load and Dumping Resistors in CRT Monitors Terminal Resistance in RF Power Amplifier Voltage Regulation Low Energy Pulse Loading UPS 相关20W至100W电阻及各类低阻值电阻,低温度系数电阻资料或疑问,请联系我们!致力于精密电阻发展,优质的产品,专业的服务!欢迎来电,来函索取资料,样品,查货等!